What is Holistic Nutrition?
Holistic Nutrition is an integrative approach to health, where health is viewed as the complex interplay between the physical, emotional, as well as environmental aspects of one's life. The focus is on improving and maintaining one's health through the use of whole natural foods, healthy lifestyle habits, and improvements in one's environment. There is an understanding that each individual is unique, and that what may work for one person, may not work for the other. Holistic nutrition is a whole body approach to living a nourished life inside and out.
A few reason you may seek help from a holistic nutritionist...
Low energy, fatigue, brain fog
Digestive issues
(IBS, bloating, GERD, etc.)
Poor immune function or frequently getting sick
Allergies or intolerances
Chronic disease management, or preventative health
"Those who have no time for healthy eating, will sooner or later have to find time for illness"
- Edward Stanley